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Hello guys^^ At Korean Sarangheyo here you can get all the Korean language lesson from me for FREE, and with all the tips you can get about Korean language and other Korean relate stuff. I'm still learning myself so let's learn together^^ 한국어 화이팅!!! I promise I will make learning Korean As Easy As Possible =)


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Introduction - Korean Alphabet

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This is the first step of learning Korean, that is to learn how to read Korean words. So in this post I'm going to introduce you all the basic in reading the Korean alphabet.

For your information I learn Korean from a TV show "Let's Speak Korean" which was broadcast at Korea, to teach the foreigner how to speak the native language there. I manage to have the copy of whole series - 270 episodes of the show and I'm really excited to start learning the language. After watching the first episode I was stun because the show show only Korean words with no romanization/spelling of the words. That's when I started to learn the Korean alphabet.

The Korean alphabet (한글) - consist of 19 consonants and 21 vowels is use to form the Korean words. You might think "Wow, so many and English have only 26 from A - Z" but trust me, Korean alphabet is easy to remember and in fact some of the alphabet is repeat itself. Let me show you...

List of Consonant (자음)
- g
- n
- d
- r,l
- m
- b
- s
- no sound, ng
- j
- h
- k
- t
- ch
- p
* For "ㄹ" is pronounce as "r" when place as first consonant and as "l" as final consonant.
* For "ㅇ" is "no sound" when place as first consonant and as "ng" as final consonant.

Now there is another 4 consonant known as double consonant as follow:
- gg
- jj
- dd
- ss
* For all the double consonant, you can notice its pattern difference.
- Example: "ㄱ" is "g" while "ㄲ" is "gg" (double "g"), which sounds like a hard tense "g"

List of Vowel (모음)
- a
- i
- u
- e
- o
- eo
- ae
- uh
* For "ㅗ" and "ㅓ", both sound is quite similar but ㅗ sound a bit like "u" while ㅓ sound more like "o"
* For "ㅔ" and "ㅐ", both also sound alike.

Next is the "Y" vowel, why I call it "Y" vowel?? Let's see...
- ya
- yu
- ye
- yo
- yeo
- yae
* Notice the difference?? "ㅏ" is "a" while "ㅑ" is "ya", same with all ㅜ,ㅔ,ㅗ,ㅓ,ㅐ. When added with one more line the vowel will add with "Y" sound.

Finally is the "W" vowel, and there is also formula behind it. Let's see....
- wa
- wi
- we
- wo
- wae
- oe (but pronounce like wae)
* We take as example. "ㅘ" is combination of two previous vowel ㅗ (o) and ㅏ(a), now put "o" and "a" together and pronounce it faster, you should now notice that it sounds exactly like "wa". This is same with other "W" vowel.

Wait wait, there is still one vowel left, and this is a unique one - "" which is "ui". This vowel sounds really hard to pronounce but many time Korean people will pronounce this as "ae"

That's all for the introduction of Korean alphabet, I took 2 days to memorize all and its really not that hard after you figure it. Next I will write about how to read Korean word which made up from all this Korean alphabet ^^

The END~
P/S: I hope my own teaching way make sense to all of you. Do leave comment if you have any question about this topic~


  1. wow ! i love ur blog !! ^^

    1. Thanks A Lot APII~ Please keep on supporting ^^

  2. your blog is freakishly helpful to me. 감사합니다 :)

    1. XD u wrote bamsagabnida instead of kamsahabnida, ㅋ is k

    2. Thx a lot ellie for your support, I will freakishly update for more lesson =D

  3. Thank you for your blog :)

    1. Welcome yasmin ^^ Please continue to learn Korean from Koreanheyo!!!

  4. nice ... we can learn korean for free ..

    1. Yes that's the aim for this blog~ Everyone are welcome to come, learn and share their knowledge in Korean ^^

  5. how can i read Korean language? in the form of korean alphabet?

  6. how can i read korean alphabet into english language

    1. Well Shiela Gregorio in this post is exactly the answer to your question ^^
      I know it might be hard at first but trust me it will be fun and rewarding once you can read in Korean!!!

  7. thank you so much.I reall appreciate this:)

    1. Welcome Angkamol Rutsamongkol ^^ I appreciated that you learn from this blog as well =D

  8. Can you will please tell me how to write SUMI in korean language??

    1. Well let see.... SUMI in Korean should be 수미 ^^

      I will post something about typing in Korean in the future~ So please stay tune Yushmita Sidar!!!

  9. Replies
    1. I'm glad you feel so ^^ Please continue to learn from this blog =D

  10. thank you so much for this,,im just starting to learn so im still a little bit confuse,,but ill try my best to make it better,,,

    1. You are Welcome Agnes ^^ I'm glad that you learn Korean here~ and I'm sure you will quickly pick up Korean communication skill =D

  11. Please write may name "CHYNG" ing hangul :( thankyouuu. :">

    I hope to learn more by staying in your blog. :) Fighting!


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