Posted in korean language , Korean lesson , Korean show , korean singer

This is the first lesson to learn Korean. For lesson here I'm going to introduce you to some expression/dialog for certain situation and ways to respond to it. I hope that before you study this lesson you have already gone through the introduction of Korean alphabets, how to read Korean words, and understanding the Korean sentences structure.
Speaking Korean language to Koreans will definitely leave a good impression to them. Korean people appreciated and happy when foreigner took the effort in learning their language.
So, if one day you happen to be walking on the street and you see Korean star like SNSD - Seo Hyun or CN Blue - Yong Hwa (In the picture) and he/she standing in front of you, WHAT SHOULD YOU SAY?
브루스: 안녕하세요?
서현 : 안녕하세요?
브루스: 처음 뵙겠습니다, 저는 브루스 입니다.
서현 : 소녀시대 서현 입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다.
Bruce : Hello, How are you?
SeoHyun: Hello, How are you?
Bruce : Nice to meet you, I'm Bruce.
SeoHyun: I'm SeoHyun from Girls' Generation. It's my pleasure to meet you.
- 안녕하세요 mean hello and how are you so to respond back we will also use 안녕하세요 back.
- 처음 뵙겠습니다 mean it's my first time to see you literally but it brings the meaning nice to meet you.
- 저는 mean I, so every time you introduce yourself start with 저는 "Your name" 입니다 where 입니다 come from the word 이다 which mean to be or is.
- 만나서 반갑습니다 mean I'm glad/ happy/ delighted to meet you literally. 만나다 is to meet, 서 is because , and 반갑다 mean glad/pleasant.
So next time if you ever meet any Koreans, you know what to do ^^ Hope this kind of explanation help you all, as the lesson continue you will understand all the "because, therefore, etc" and learn other new words to enrich your Korean vocabulary =)
I'm currently watching a Korean show "We Get Married" featuring SeoHyun and YongHwa~ very interesting and funny to see they get to know each other , dating, and live together as married couple :D
Youtube search "WGM sweet potato" to find the video^^
The END~

Anyway Nice..Visit mine if u free friend.. Bloody Day!
ReplyDeleteSure suhaisweet ^^ Thanks for stopping by =D
Deletei like your enthusiasm =D
ReplyDeleteThanks Andrew~ Please continue supporting this site ^^
Deleteaww.. i love and like your blog.. i will visit evryday!!! ^___^ untill i can speak korean well.. thanxss
ReplyDeleteYes nyna let's continue to work hard in learning Korean together =D
DeleteThanks A Lot for using this blog as learning spot ^^
Anyway, i love your blog. I'm sorry but I can't understand well how to read korean sentences. Any others way, please?
ReplyDeleteThat's is actually a difficult question for me to solve for you~
DeleteI wish I have found a shortcut for everyone but the truth is you have to learn to read step by step, pretty much like a baby learn how to talk =)
Anyway, please continue to learn Korean (from here and anywhere you can find ^^) and someday we shall talk like a native Korean =D